Rolf Beutel

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

The evolution of Coleoptera in the Permian and Mesozoic

Lettura plenaria: lunedì 12 giugno
h 17:15 – 18:00


Rolf Beutel is a senior professor of Entomology at the Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany). He studied at the University of Tübingen and graduated there in 1986, with Dr. Gert Mickoleit as his supervisor. In 1986 and 1987 he was a postdoctoral fellow (DAAD) at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg (Canada). After this he became a scientific assistant at the institute of Zoology of the RWTH Aachen. In 1994 he moved to Jena where he accomplished his Habilitation in 1997 on the evolution and phylogeny of Coleoptera at the FSU. After successful
Current topics of the research are innovative insect anatomy, the evolution of beetles, ants and insects in general, larvae of Neuroptera, and amber fossils and impression fossils of beetles and other groups of insects. He has published more than 300 scientific articles and many book chapters, and was the editor of several volumes of the Handbook of Zoology (Coleoptera vols. 1-3, Nannomecoptera and Neoptera). He is on the editorial board of several scientific journals, including for instance Insect Systematics and Diversity.
He was elected as a fellow of the Italian Academy of Entomology in 2018 and was awarded the Ernst Jünger Price for Entomology in 2019. Since 2020 he is officially retired. From March to July 2020 he carried out a research project on ant anatomy at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST). Presently he is involved in the supervision of PhD students at the FSU Jena and in several research projects.


Bart Lievens

Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven

Nectar-inhabiting microorganisms: hidden player in plant-insect interactions, important impact on pollinators and parasitoids

Lettura plenaria: martedì 13 giugno
h 08:30 – 09:15


Bart Lievens (°04/06/1975) is a full professor at KU Leuven, where he leads the CMPG Laboratory for Process Microbial Ecology and Bioinspirational Management. During his career, he has been studying many aspects of microbial ecology, including phylogenetic and physiological diversity and interactions between microbes and the environment, other microbes, plants and insects. During the last decade, he has intensively studied the role of microbes in plant-insect interactions, including plant-pollinator interactions, and in the multi-trophic interactions that occur between plants, herbivores, natural enemies and secondary natural enemies aiming to improve plant pollination and biological control of insect pests. To this end, the Lievens’ lab uses tools and concepts from different fields, including microbiology, microbial ecology, molecular biology, chemical ecology, community ecology and entomology. In total, Prof. Lievens has published over 200 publications in diverse journals.


Andrea Battisti

University of Padova

History of an iconic Mediterranean insect, the pine processionary moth

Lettura plenaria: martedì 13 giugno
h 14:30 – 15:15



Professore di entomologia presso l’Università di Padova, Dipartimento DAFNAE. L’attività di ricerca riguarda principalmente argomenti di entomologia forestale e di ecologia degli insetti, in particolare gli effetti del cambiamento climatico sulle popolazioni di insetti e le tecniche innovative per lo studio e il controllo degli insetti. Coordina un gruppo di ricerca coinvolto in numerosi progetti in Italia e all’estero.


Professor of entomology at the University of Padova, Department DAFNAE. His research activity addresses topics of forest entomology and insect ecology, with special emphasis on the effect of climate change on the insect populations. He’s also developing innovative techniques for the study and the control of insect pests. He coordinates a research group involved in several national and international research projects.


Stanislav Gorb

Kiel University

Insect attachment systems used in locomotion: bioinspirations for surface science and robotics

Lettura plenaria: mercoledì 14 giugno
h 08:30 – 09:15


Stanislav Gorb is Professor and Director at the Zoological Institute of the Kiel University, Germany. He received his PhD degree in zoology and entomology at the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kiev (Ukraine). Gorb was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Vienna (Austria), a research assistant at University of Jena, a group leader at the Max Planck Institutes for Developmental Biology in Tübingen and for Metals Research in Stuttgart (Germany). Gorb’s research focuses on morphology, structure, biomechanics, physiology, and evolution of surface-related functional systems in animals and plants, as well as the development of biologically inspired technological surfaces and systems. He received the Schlossmann Award in Biology and Materials Science in 1995, International Forum Design Gold Award in 2011 and Materialica “Best of” Award in 2011. In 1998, he was the BioFuture Competition winner for his works on biological attachment devices as possible sources for biomimetics. In 2018, he received Karl-Ritter-von-Frisch Medal of German Zoological Society. Gorb is Corresponding member of Academy of the Science and Literature Mainz, Germany (since 2010) and Member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Germany (since 2011). Gorb has authored several books, more than 500 papers in peer-reviewed journals, and five patents.


Claudia Hemp

Bayreuth University

Speciation mechanisms of East African Orthoptera

Lettura plenaria: giovedì 15 giugno
h 08:30 – 09:15


Claudia Hemp currently works as a coordinator of the German Research Foundation funded research group Kili-SES at Kilimanjaro, Tanzania with the Senckenberg Climate and Biodiversity Research Center, Frankfurt. She is also affiliated with the University of Bayreuth, at the Department of Plant Systematics. Her research interests are biodiversity topics in insects, especially Orthoptera with a focus on Germany (Frankonia) and East Africa. First research in East Africa was conducted on ethnozoology. She has published over 200 peer reviewed research articles, 6 book chapters and is the (co-)author of 9 books. In East Africa she described about 200 Orthoptera species new to science, 16 genera and erected a subtribe restricted to East Africa. Special focus is laid on speciation processes in East Africa and conservation topics.


Matteo Montagna

University of Napoli Federico II

Taxonomic and functional biodiversity of agroecosystems: characterization and monitoring by using molecular methods

Lettura plenaria: giovedì 15 giugno
h 14:30 – 15:15



Professore associato di entomologia generale e applicata presso il Dipartimento di Agraria dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. Nel 2013 ha conseguito un dottorato in biologia animale presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Le sue ricerche riguardano diversi aspetti dell’ecologia e dell’evoluzione degli insetti. In particolare, si focalizzano sullo studio: i. delle simbiosi insetti-batteri; ii. dell’ecologia ed evoluzione degli insetti tramite l’integrazione di informazioni genetiche, morfologiche ed ecologiche; iii. della biodiversità e struttura delle comunità di invertebrati degli agroecosistemi attraverso metodi molecolari.


Associate professor of general and applied entomology at the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II. In 2013, he got a PhD in animal biology at the University of Milan. His research concerns various aspects of the ecology and evolution of insects. In particular, they focus on the study of: i. the insect-bacteria symbioses; ii. the ecology and evolution of insects through the integration of genetic, morphological and ecological information; iii. the biodiversity and structure of the invertebrate communities of agroecosystems through molecular methods.